日 本 婚 禮 攝 影

Wedding Day

Destination wedding photo service across Japan

  • Our Service

    和寂 在日本各地提供婚禮攝影和婚禮化妝服務。



    WanoSabi offers wedding photography and makeup services throughout Japan.

    We are familiar with traditional Hong Kong wedding rituals, i.e. traditional tea ceremony.

    Our team, with years of experience in Japan, communicates fluently in Chinese, English, and Japanese.

  • Our Service

    和寂 在日本各地提供婚禮攝影和婚禮化妝服務。



    WanoSabi offers wedding photography and makeup services throughout Japan.

    We are familiar with traditional Hong Kong wedding rituals, i.e. traditional tea ceremony.

    Our team, with years of experience in Japan, communicates fluently in Chinese, English, and Japanese.

Tea Ceremony






Looking for a photo and makeup team that can lead the tea ceremony?

We communicate fluently in Chinese, English, and Japanese,

and able to coordinate with wedding venues and guests.

We are familiar with the details of traditional tea ceremony and rituals.

About Us

We are a team of English-speaking photographer and makeup artist based in Kyoto, Japan.
We provide photography and makeup services for destination weddings, Pre-weddings and Engagement sessions in Japan.

以日本美學為本的婚攝概念店。 我們相信、拍攝留下的不單是相片、更是一個體驗及回憶。以日本美學角度提供高質素的攝影化妝服務。

  • Location


    We shoot in any prefecture and city.
    We are currently based in Kyoto, but shoot in any city in Japan and provide services all over the country.

  • Location


    We shoot in any prefecture and city.
    We are currently based in Kyoto, but shoot in any city in Japan and provide services all over the country.

  • Location


    We shoot in any prefecture and city.
    We are currently based in Kyoto, but shoot in any city in Japan and provide services all over the country.

  • Location


    We shoot in any prefecture and city.
    We are currently based in Kyoto, but shoot in any city in Japan and provide services all over the country.

Wedding Day Package




  • 所有相片
    All photos will be delivered

    Photo editing and color-grading

  • 無限制轉造型的次數
    Unlimited changes of makeup and hairstyling.


    Touch-up throughout the session.

  • 30 pages




  • 所有相片
    All photos will be delivered

    Photo editing and color-grading

  • 無限制轉造型的次數
    Unlimited changes of makeup and hairstyling.


    Touch-up throughout the session.

  • 30 pages

Our Makeup and Hairstyling


Our professional bridal makeup artist will design natural Japanese-style makeup and hairstyles for clients, and accompany the bride throughout the photoshoot, providing perfect support for the bride. Our makeup artist will also provide carefully selected Japanese floral headpieces, gold leaf, silver leaf, and other Japanese-specific hair accessories. Experience the natural beauty of Japanese-style makeup and hair.

Our Photographer


Our professional photographer will select perfect locations to capture the natural beauty of clients. 
Our photographer personally edits and arranges the album, providing clients with a simple yet exquisite Japanese wedding photography experience.
  • Our Photo Album


    Our Japan wedding photography package includes a custom-made photo album.
    We carefully select white faux leather for the cover and use 250g thick textured paper to ensure the durability

  • Our Photo Album


    Our Japan wedding photography package includes a custom-made photo album.
    We carefully select white faux leather for the cover and use 250g thick textured paper to ensure the durability

  • Our Photo Album


    Our Japan wedding photography package includes a custom-made photo album.
    We carefully select white faux leather for the cover and use 250g thick textured paper to ensure the durability

How it works


  • 計劃日本婚攝的日期、想拍攝的日本地區、預算、服裝等等。

    Plan the date for the Japanese wedding photography, the desired Japanese location for shooting, budget, clothing, etc.

  • 向我們查詢檔期,攝影詳情。

    Feel free to inquire with us about availability and details regarding photography sessions.

  • 預約拍攝日期,確認攝影地區,服裝等等。

    Please make a booking for the shooting date, confirmation of the photography location, clothing, etc.

  • 約一個月前與攝影師及化妝師預約網上會談,決定攝影地點、當日流程、妝髮及攝影前需預備事項。

    Schedule an online meeting with the photographer and makeup artist about a month in advance to discuss the location, the day's schedule, makeup and hair arrangements, and any preparations needed before the photoshoot.

  • 當日早上化妝師會前往客人所預約的酒店提供新娘及新郎妝髮,和服、婚紗穿着服務。攝影師會於妝髮完成後於酒店與客人及化妝師會合。會合後乘坐專車前往拍攝地點,完成拍攝亦會乘坐專車接送客人回酒店。

    On the day of the photoshoot, the makeup artist will travel to the hotel where the clients have booked, providing makeup and hairstyling services for both the bride and groom, as well as assistance with dressing in kimono or wedding attire. After the makeup and hairstyling are complete, the photographer will meet the clients and the makeup artist at the hotel. Once everyone is assembled, they will travel together in a private car to the shooting location. After the photoshoot is finished, the clients will be chauffeured back to the hotel in the same private car.

  • 約一個月以內會收到由攝影師親自調色編輯的所有相片檔案。收到調色相片後客人需挑選希望精修的相片,並轉達攝影師,約兩星期以內會收到精修相片檔案。

    Within one month, clients will receive all the photo files edited by the photographer. After receiving the edited photos, clients need to select the photos they want further retouched and communicate their choices to the photographer. They will receive the retouched photo files within approximately two weeks.

  • 收到調色編輯、精修相片檔案後,客人需親自挑選相簿的相片。攝影師排版後會向客人進行最後確認,客人確認後開始制作相簿。

    After receiving the color-edited and retouched photo files, clients need to select the photos for their album. The photographer will then arrange the layout and present it to the clients for final confirmation. Once the clients confirm, the album production begins.

  • 相簿制作需時約一個月,完成後會郵送至客人所提供的住址。

    The album production process takes approximately one month. Upon completion, the album will be shipped to the address provided by the clients.



  • 當日拍攝的所有相片都會經調色後全部交於客人,並不會有額外收費。

    All the photos taken on the day of the shoot will be Color-graded and provided to the client without any additional charge.

  • 所有價錢已包含工作人員交通及專車接送費用,並不會有額外交通收費。客人只需支付拍攝期間停車場費用及道路通行費用。

    All prices include staff transportation and chauffeur service fees, and there are no additional transportation charges. Clients only need to pay for parking fees and road tolls.

  • 轉造型的次數並沒有限制,化妝師於攝影當天會全日跟妝,客人可任轉服裝、髮型及飾物。

    There is no limit on the number of hair and makeup changes. The makeup artist will be available for touch-ups throughout the day of the photoshoot, and clients are free to change their clothing, hairstyle, and accessories as they wish.

  • 我們沒有提供拍攝前試婚紗及和服服務,客人可向我們提供身型尺寸,並於我們所提供的婚紗、和服一覽中挑選服裝。

    We do not offer pre-shoot trials for wedding dresses and kimono. Clients can provide us with their body measurements, and choose their attire from the selection of wedding dresses and kimono we provide.

  • 化妝師會免費提供頭飾及耳環,亦歡迎客人自行準備。

    The makeup artist will provide headpieces and earrings free of charge, but clients are also welcome to bring their own if they prefer.

  • 客人需自備攝影當日着用的皮鞋、白色平底鞋、或高踭鞋。我們暫時沒有提供婚紗及西裝用的鞋子。

    Clients should bring their own shoes for the photoshoot day, whether it be leather shoes, white flat shoes, or high heels. We do not currently provide shoes for wedding dresses or suits.

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