Makeup and Hairstyling

Our Service


We provide all kinds of makeup and hairstyling service in Japan.

Our professional bridal makeup artist will design natural Japanese-style makeup and hairstyles for clients,
and accompany the bride throughout the photoshoot, providing perfect support for the bride.
Our makeup artist will also provide carefully selected Japanese floral headpieces, gold leaf, silver leaf, and other Japanese-specific hair accessories.
Experience the natural beauty of Japanese-style makeup and hair.

  • Our Mission


    Based on Japanese aesthetics, we capture the natural beauty of human beings. We value harmony with nature, shadows and imperfections as part of nature, recalling the beauty of nature and life.

  • Our Mission


    Based on Japanese aesthetics, we capture the natural beauty of human beings. We value harmony with nature, shadows and imperfections as part of nature, recalling the beauty of nature and life.

  • Our Mission


    Based on Japanese aesthetics, we capture the natural beauty of human beings. We value harmony with nature, shadows and imperfections as part of nature, recalling the beauty of nature and life.

  • Our Mission


Makeup and hairstyling plan

Plan A


  • 可轉造型一次

    You may change makeup and hairstyling for once.

Plan B


  • 無限制轉造型的次數
    Unlimited changes of makeup and hairstyling.

Plan C


  • 無限制轉造型的次數
    Unlimited changes of makeup and hairstyling.

Plan D


  • 無限制轉造型的次數
    Unlimited changes of makeup and hairstyling.

How it works


  • 決定化妝日期、地點等等,並向我們查詢檔期。

    Feel free to inquire with us about availability and details regarding makeup and hairstyling.

  • 決定化妝時間、服務類型,並進行預約。

    Please make a booking for the shooting date, confirm the photography location, clothing, etc.

  • 提供近照及服裝資料給化妝師,化妝師從而給予客人妝髮的建議。



  • 是的,化妝師會免費提供髮飾、鮮花、耳環等等給新娘使用。

  • 轉造型的次數並沒有限制,化妝師於攝影當天會全日跟妝,客人可任轉服裝、髮型及飾物。

    There is no limit on the number of hair and makeup changes. The makeup artist will be available for touch-ups throughout the day of the photoshoot, and clients are free to change their clothing, hairstyle, and accessories as they wish.

  • 化妝師會免費提供頭飾及耳環,亦歡迎客人自行準備。

    The makeup artist will provide headpieces and earrings free of charge, but clients are also welcome to bring their own if they prefer.

  • 客人需自備攝影當日着用的皮鞋、白色平底鞋、或高踭鞋。我們暫時沒有提供婚紗及西裝用的鞋子。

    Clients should bring their own shoes for the photoshoot day, whether it be leather shoes, white flat shoes, or high heels. We do not currently provide shoes for wedding dresses or suits.