求 婚 攝 影

Marriage Proposal

Marriage Proposal Photo Session

  • 攝影時間:1小時

    Duration of the shoot: 1 hour

  • 相片100張

    100 pcs of Photo Soft-copies

  • 精修相片5張
    5 pcs of Retouched Photos

How it works


  • 計劃日期、想拍攝的地區、預算等等。

    Plan the date, the desired location for shooting, budget, etc.

  • 向我們查詢檔期,攝影詳情。

    Feel free to inquire with us about availability and details regarding photography sessions.

  • 預約拍攝日期,確認攝影地區等等。

    Please make a booking for the shooting date, confirmation of the location, clothing, etc.

  • 攝影師會以男方事先決定的形式進行拍攝。




    The photographer will conduct the shoot in a manner predetermined by the male party.

    For example:

    The photographer will wait at the agreed location for the client to appear and take snapshots. When the male party kneels down, the photographer will emerge to take photos.

    After the proposal is completed, the photographer will guide and take some more shots around.

  • 約一個月以內會收到由攝影師親自調色編輯的所有相片檔案。收到調色相片後客人需挑選希望精修的相片,並轉達攝影師,約兩星期以內會收到精修相片檔案。

    Within one month, clients will receive all the photo files edited by the photographer. After receiving the edited photos, clients need to select the photos they want further retouched and communicate their choices to the photographer. They will receive the retouched photo files within approximately two weeks.



  • 當日拍攝的所有相片都會經調色後全部交於客人,並不會有額外收費。

    All the photos taken on the day of the shoot will be Color-graded and provided to the client without any additional charge.

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